New Platform Updates

Get ready for some long awaited changes.

At TreeDefi we always try to listen as much as possible to user feedback and gather knowledge and innovations from the community. Plenty of our users are very well versed in everything related to Decentralized Finance and we try to study their suggestions in detail to come out with the best possible feature set for every TreeDefi investor.

If you have any feature requests feel free to contact us on Telegram or explain them in detail at

Auto-compounding SEED Pool 🌱

One of the most requested features this far has been adding auto-compounding for our project. This is a useful feature especially for the investors that love the project and have no interest in selling their SEED. They would love to have as little work to do as possible for their SEED hodling activities. And we think they are absolutely right!

That’s why we’re currently working on auto-compounding for our SEED pool. This will be the best one to implement since it would only have to manage SEED staking from SEED rewards. We think it will give long term investors peace of mind on the state of their SEED farming activities and add a new reason for new investors to hop into SEED.

AMM Progress 🔐

Our AMM is progressing smoothly and we’re currently figuring out the best fee split to implement into it. As mentioned previously this requires lots of attention as it is a tricky task to fulfil and must be executed with investor security in mind. We’re trying to use this opportunity to reward token holders by giving them a good chunk of the swap fees from the AMM.

The current setup we have in mind is the following:

Split - 0.22% Trading Fee

0.16% LP token holders

0.03% Treasury

0.03% Distributed to TREE holders ( managed through a TREE pool)

When the moment comes we hope to have a smooth transition from PCS to our proprietary market maker. It’s a large endeavour that will pay off long term, offering of independence as a project and more freedom with the features we can implement, along with rewarding our token holders for the amazing support they’ve shown us.

Double Reward Launchpool 🎉

We are also working on a new launchpool for TreeDefi. Launchpools are a great way to stake your tokens, since they’re very easy to get into with little transactions, lack of LP creation, and avoidance of impermanent loss, which no one loves.

But what’s even better than a launchpool? A launchpool that rewards you with two different tokens for the single asset you’ve provided. This could add a new layer of interest to launchpools and give us more freedom to create the most appealing reward pairs possible. The possibilities are endless.

The code is currently under testing but should be released soon, and you’ll be able to pick which pair you want for the first double reward launchpool.

TREE and SEED Price Tracker 📈

Another beautiful feature we’re working on is a built in price tracker for TreeDefi. The code is based off of our beloved Dex Guru, with various modifications performed by our team. The interface will feature all of your favorite information, such as volume, trading orders, liquidity, price graphs and much more. We are also trying to implement a way to allow users to swap their tokes directly from the price tracking interface. This will give them an all-in-one page they never have to step away from in some cases. We love the way it’s turning out and the best part about it is the fact that the price tracker will only feature green candles! What’s more bullish and eco-friendly than that?

Matic Implementation 🆕

Given the current status of the Binance Smart Chain we’ve been looking into other avenues our project could dip its toes into. For the past few days the BSC has been extremely slow, affecting all areas of our platform and other projects alike. Not only has it been pure hell for our investors, but it’s been a massive annoyance for our devs as well, making it hard for them to do proper testing thanks to the BSC lag. Our users have offered other alternatives to the BSC, and the most popular one seems to be Matic (Polygon) at the moment. The landscape over on Matic is getting more and more competitive with each day that goes by.

The network boasts a speedy response, cheaper fees and a bright future ahead. This could be the beginning of a new chapter in Yield Farming and DeFi. This doesn’t mean that we will abandon the BSC anytime soon. It only means that we are looking to expand towards new avenues, giving our investors more freedom and advantages when they pick our project. But when the Matic implementation will come the two platforms will most likely run in unison. We can’t wait to keep studying more and finding the proper way to manage the Matic opening. In case you wanna help us you can private message us and tell us about your love for Matic or any other networks that could help TreeDefi grow.

Thank you guys so much for sticking with us, especially during such a rough few days with everything going on in the landscape at the moment. We hope you’re excited about new things to come as much as we are.

Have an oxygen packed day,

The TreeDefi Team💚



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