🌲 TreeDefi ECO AMM Migration 🛫

Migrate your LP to the first Green Decentralized Exchange!

Welcome to our biggest Yield Farming update yet TreeHuggers! Most of you have patiently anticipated the TreeDefi Automated Market Maker for a while and the wait is finally over. The AMM will bring TreeDefi’s Liquidity independence, which will now be hosted directly through us and no other providers. This will essentially allow us to have our own Decentralized Exchange, with the freedom to list tokens on our Exchange, other projects and will provide deep implementation for our Carbon Dioxide Offset activities.

This will be the first AMM that can offset user transactions and features accurate data to track every single step of the offset practice, from the planting of the tree, to its location, species and amount of CO2 absorbed throughout its lifetime.

We are also using the AMM launch as an opportunity to showcase the first taste of User Interface 2.0 for TreeDefi, since our new swap will utilize our new interface directly at launch.

As of the 8th of October 2021 we are finalizing the Private Beta Test with our community and we’re looking at an official launch during the next week.

Migration Tool 🔧

To make your life easier while moving your liquidity from the old farms to the new ones we’ve designed a Migration tool that simplifies everything in a couple of easy steps. We’re finalizing this in preparation for the AMM launch so that you can move your liquidity to the new farms in 4 easy steps:


  • Unstake Liquidity
  • Remove Liquidity


  • Add Liquidity
  • Stake Liquidity

Manual Migration 💪🏻

If you wish to opt for a manual migration of your liquidity there’s no problem with that and you’ll be able to perform it easily. Here are some of the steps you should follow to remove liquidity from the old farms and add it into the new ones.

Old Farm Liquidity Removal

Head over to the farm section on our platform and select the farm that you wish to move liquidity out of. Unstake the LP from the farm and confirm the transaction.

Swap Interface Liquidity Split

Now head over to our Swap Interface on the Liquidity Section. Select your Liquidity and split the two tokens by clicking the Remove Button.

Add to New Farms

Head over to the new AMM and create your new liquidity! The interface is built on our new design language for UI V2, but the commands are the same.

Now you can go to the new farms and add your brand new liquidity to get back to farming 🌱

Farms at Launch 👨🏻‍🌾

To keep everything simple and under control the new farm structure will initially be virtually identical to the old one, leaving users with no ways to get confused and impacting our market in as little of a way as possible.

We will add 1 new farm on Launch Day, that will be chosen by our loyal community during this weekend!

We will also aid our investors by removing the deposit fees in the non-native farms for the first 24 hours after the AMM launch.

To Be Noted: Some farms such as SEED-NIU or TREE-GREEN will not be brought over to the new Farm Structure.

TCO2 Trading and Transaction Offset 🍃

We’ve put a lot of extra work, causing some slight delays on our release schedule to ensure that we could deploy all of the AMM features we promised, directly on launch day. TCO2 already has some liquidity added by users currently, but most of its liquidity will be held through our AMM, and we will enable TCO2 trading through our AMM on launch day on Monday. You will finally be able to profit off of the fruits of your NFTree’s labour!

Not only that, but the transaction offset feature will also be available at launch, allowing users to offset every single transaction on our AMM, if they so wish.

Conclusion ❤️

Thank you for the great journey we’ve had together for the past 6 months. We’re thrilled to finally have our first Decentralized Exchange that will open many new doors for the project in the future. We hope to have a lot more goals to reach and milestones we hit in the near future. As you wait patiently for the release of UI 2.0 enjoy your Carbon Neutral Swaps, migrate all of your Farms, and grab some NFTrees from our lottery, if you’re lucky enough to win one. We’ll work hard next week to ensure that we can provide the same quality for the User Experience in UI 2.0.

Have an Oxygen Packed Day,

The TreeDefi Team 💚

Graphics by @ThePailer



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